IJL KickStart Winner 2017
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What an amazing time I had at International Jewellery London 2017! I've been home a day now, and I still can't quite take it all in. The big shiny award on my mantle piece keeps reminding me that it actually all happened though...
On Sunday I was presented with the 'Industry's Choice Award' at IJL. Out of the ten KickStart exhibitors I managed to get enough votes, and impressed the judges so much with my pre-show marketing, that they thought me worthy of this incredible award; what an honour! The KickStart line up of emerging designers was outstanding this year, with innovative new designers I hadn't yet heard of and others who I have been following and admiring for some time. We were all independent jewellery designers within the first five years of business, and selected to exhibit on a group stand at the UK's top jewellery trade show. We were also given advice and support from IJL and the National Association of Jewellers, which was invaluable in the run up to such a big show. I’d recommend the initiative to any new designer who is looking for retail outlets, as it’s the perfect platform from which to introduce your work to the industry.
The award also means that I get to return to IJL next year with a complimentary stand! So in 2018 I’ll be exhibiting in the Design Gallery with the big kids, and I absolutely cannot wait. Is it wrong that I’m looking forward to it already?? I think I’m hooked.